Lime and Cement Stabilization
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Lime and Cement Stabilization
Service Overview
Lime improves the strength of clay by hydration, flocculation, and cementation. The engineers at GeoStructures were the first in Pennsylvania to incorporate the benefits of lime and cement stabilization into the pavement design of a major section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Lime Material Property Testing and Evaluations
Test and evaluate the properties of lime used in soil stabilization.
Laboratory Soil-Lime Mix Design
Develop mix designs for soil-lime stabilization in a controlled environment.
Modulus and Strength Property Characterization
Characterize the strength and stiffness of stabilized soils.
Pavement Design Using Lime Stabilized Subbase and Subgrade
Design pavements incorporating lime-stabilized layers for improved performance.
Construction Specifications
Provide detailed specifications for the construction process.
Mellowing requirements
Determine and implement necessary mellowing periods and procedures to enhance the chemical reactions and improve soil stabilization when using lime and cement treatments.
Roller types and energy ratings
Select and utilize appropriate roller types and energy ratings to ensure effective compaction and stabilization of lime and cement-treated soils.
Mixing Uniformity and Thickness
Ensure uniform mixing and appropriate thickness of stabilized layers.
Compaction Testing
Test the compaction of stabilized soils to ensure proper density.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Testing
Use DCP to assess the strength of lime-stabilized soils.
Clegg Impact Hammer Testing
Evaluate the impact resistance of stabilized subgrades.
Undisturbed or Field Molding of Stabilized Subgrade
Mold field samples to test soil properties.
Laboratory Curing of Field Samples
Cure samples in a lab to simulate field conditions.
Unconfined Compressive Strength and Resilient Modulus Testing
Test the compressive strength and resilience of stabilized soils.
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