Environmental Services
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Environmental Services
Service Overview
Federal environmental laws hold current property owners responsible for above-ground pollution or contamination of the soil/groundwater on their land even if it was caused by a previous owner. Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) can uncover Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) through the assessment of historic records, aerial photos, government pollution reports, tank registries, and site reconnaissance of environmental conditions and potential hazards. Adhering to ASTM E1527 guidelines meets the “due diligence” standard, which allows property buyers and developers to comply with legal requirements of the Innocent Landowner Defense, and thus minimizes the risks of environmental liability associated with property transactions.
Phase II ESAs further explore RECs through the sampling and testing of soils, groundwater, and building materials. Through these practices, the presence of contamination can be documented and compared to state and federal standards, thus determining whether further environmental action (such as additional sampling, chemical testing, monitoring, or remediation) is warranted.
In short, GeoStructures provides clients with a one-stop shop for both geotechnical and environmental solutions.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
Identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) through historical research, site reconnaissance, and environmental records.
Phase II ESAs
Involve sampling and testing of soils, groundwater, and building materials to confirm contamination and compare with standards.
Clean and Regulated Fill
Manage the use and placement of clean and regulated fill materials.
Characterization and Delineation of Contaminant Plumes
Map the extent and concentration of contamination in soil and groundwater.
Aquifer Hydrogeologic Characterization
Evaluate aquifer properties for groundwater management and contamination assessment.
Landfill/Lagoon Design, Inspection, and Monitoring
Design and inspect landfill and lagoon systems to ensure compliance and functionality.
Pond and Lagoon Liners
Provide design and installation of liners to prevent leakage and contamination.
Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
Predict the movement and impact of contaminants in the environment.
UST/AST Investigation
Investigate and assess the impact of underground and above-ground storage tanks.
Air, Mold, Asbestos, Lead, and PCB Surveys
Conduct surveys to identify and assess the presence of hazardous materials.
Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Abatement
Develop and oversee plans for the safe removal of asbestos and lead-based paint.
Spill Response
Manage spill response plans, oversight, and regulatory compliance.
Construction and Demolition Oversight
Provide oversight for environmental compliance during construction and demolition activities.
Environmental Sampling and Remediation
Conduct soil, groundwater, and surface water sampling and remediation activities.
Remedial Action Completion Reports
Document the completion of remedial actions and ensures compliance with regulatory standards.
Environmental Drilling
Provide drilling services for environmental investigations and monitoring.
Geophysical Environmental Investigations
Uses geophysical methods to assess subsurface conditions for environmental studies.
LEED Certification Documentation
Assist in achieving LEED certification through environmental assessments and documentation.
Marcellus Shale Services
Offer environmental drilling, baseline sampling, waste characterizations, and foundation designs related to Marcellus Shale operations.
Chemical Testing of Soil, Water, and Air
Perform chemical testing to assess environmental quality and contamination levels.
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