Bashar Qubain Ph.D., P.E.
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Our People: Bashar Qubain Ph.D., P.E.

Bashar Qubain Ph.D., P.E.
With over 33 years of professional experience, a strong academic background in structural mechanics and geotechnical engineering, and a Ph.D. in soil-structure interaction, Bashar brings unique insight into foundation analysis and design. As President/chief engineer and founder of GeoStructures, Bashar is responsible for setting objectives and activities including maintaining high-quality services and establishing goals, providing technical expertise and overseeing engineering work, supervising, reviewing, and training personnel, coordinating with clients, and preparing proposals. Bashar’s areas of strength are soil mechanics and foundations, geotechnical applications of the finite element method (FEM), and geosynthetics.
Dynamic Finite Element Model with Field Calibration – Qubain, B.S., Li, J., and Franceschina, M. (2022). Geo-Congress, Charlotte, NC.
Drilled Shaft Load Testing During Design – Qubain, B.S., Seksinsky, E.J., Li, J., Nuzha, K., and Eshete, D.W. (2021). IFCEE, Dallas, Texas.
Preloading to Facilitate Shallow Foundations – Nuzha, K., Li. J., and Qubain, B.S. (2020). Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Site-Specific Dynamic Analyses: 1-D versus 2-D – Li, J. and Qubain, B.S. (2017). Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Analysis and Behavior of Double Sheet Pile Cofferdam – Qubain, B.S., Li, J., and K. Nuzha K.E. (2016). Proceedings of the International Conference on Deep Foundations, Seepage Control and Remediation, New York, NY.
Cam Clay-Coupled Consolidation Analysis of Field Instrumented Preloading Program – Qubain, B.S., Li, J., and Chang, K.E. (2014). ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 140, Issue 4.
Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction of High-G Centrifuge Foundation – Qubain, B.S., Li, J., and Chang, K.E. (2011). GeoFrontiers 2011 Proceedings, ASCE, Reston, VA.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Requirements for Lime and Cement Subgrade Stabilization – Qubain, B.S., Heirendt, K.M., and Li, J. (2006). ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 154.
Analysis and Design of a Braced Sheet Pile Excavation: A Rational Treatment – Qubain, B.S., and Li, J. (2004). Proceedings of 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Newark, DE.
Soil Pressure Distribution on Culverts with Various Foundation Yielding Conditions – Li, J. and Qubain, B.S. (2004). Proceedings of 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Newark, DE.
Resilient Modulus Variations with Water Content – Li, J. and Qubain, B.S. (2003). ASTM STP 1437, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
Treating Foundation Settlements as Boundary Value Problems – Qubain, B.S., Kaliakin, V.N., and Martin, J.P. (2003). Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Variable Bulk Modulus Constitutive Model for Sand – Qubain, B.S., Kaliakin, V.N., and Martin, J.P. (2003). Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 129 (2), 158-162.
Incorporating Lime Stabilization into Pavement Design – Qubain, B.S., Seksinsky, E.J., and Li, J. (2000). Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Record No. 1721.
Interaction of Adjacent Strip and Spread Footings on Sand – Qubain, B.S., Kaliakin, V.N., and Martin, J.P. (2000). Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas.
Augered Minipiles: A Cost Effective Foundation for Light Structures – Qubain, B.S., and Li, J. (1998). Geotechnical Special Publication 81 – Soil Improvement for Big Digs, ASCE, Boston, MA.
An Underpinning Solution to a Persistent Foundation Settlement Problem – Seksinsky, E.J., and Qubain, B.S. (1998). Geotechnical Special Publication 81 – Soil Improvement for Big Digs, ASCE, Boston, MA.
An Innovative Foundation in Difficult Subsurface Conditions through Detailed Site Characterization – Qubain, B.S., and Seksinsky, E.J. (1998). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Site Characterization, Atlanta, GA.
Design Considerations for Bridge Foundations in Karst Terrain – Qubain, B.S., Seksinsky, E.J., and Li, J. (1998). Proceedings of the 49th Highway Geology Symposium, Prescott, AZ.
Techniques to Investigate and Remedy Sinkholes – Qubain, B.S., Seksinsky, E.J., and Aldin, E.G. (1995). Proceedings of the Fifth Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes, Gatlinburg, TN.