Our People: Kamil Nuzha, P.E.

Kamil Nuzha, P.E.


Kamil Nuzha earned his Master of Science in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering from Drexel University in 2018. Kamil has 13 years of professional experience in geotechnical field explorations, foundation analysis and design, and construction quality control for a variety of projects. Kamil has designed shallow foundations, caissons, micropiles, timber piles, sheet piles, tiebacks, and various retaining walls. In addition, he is experienced in the finite element method (FEM) geotechnical applications using GEOSLOPE and Midas GTS computer software.

Drilled Shaft Load Testing During Design – Qubain, B.S., Seksinsky, E.J., Li, J., Nuzha, K., and Eshete, D.W. (2021). IFCEE, Dallas, Texas.

Preloading to Facilitate Shallow Foundations – Nuzha, K., Li. J., and Qubain, B.S. (2020). Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Analysis and Behavior of Double Sheet Pile Cofferdam – Qubain, B., Li, J., and Nuzha, K. (2016). Proceedings of the International Conference on Deep Foundations, Seepage Control & Remediation, New York, NY.