Petrographic Analysis
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Petrographic Analysis
Service Overview
Petrographic analysis can be applied to the concrete industry in numerous ways and thus helps to unlock the microscopic secrets of concrete’s big-picture ideas. By utilizing polarizing light microscopy, GeoStructures petrographers characterize concrete samples based on the characteristics detailed below.
Our petrographers tailor their approach to fit client needs, thus providing insight into potential failure mechanisms, corrosion, weathering/leaching, fire damage, sulfate attack, freeze/thaw durability, and more!
Composition of Aggregates (ASTM C295)
Characterize the mineralogical composition and quality of aggregates used in concrete to ensure optimal performance.
Quality of Cement Paste (ASTM C856)
Analyze the quality and condition of the cement paste to detect potential issues like degradation or improper curing.
Water/Cement Ratio
Determine the water-to-cement ratio to ensure proper mix design and strength of concrete.
Air Void Percentages (ASTM C457)
Measure the volume and distribution of air voids in hardened concrete to assess its durability and freeze-thaw resistance.
Depth of Carbonation
Evaluate the depth of carbonation in concrete to understand its susceptibility to carbonation-induced corrosion.
Evidence of Alkali-Silica Reactions (ASTM C856)
Identify and analyze signs of alkali-silica reactions to prevent expansive cracking and structural damage.
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